Calling all builders Why you should Join the Event

Great Speakers

Accelerate your adoption of Serverless technologies with various Cloud platforms.

New People

Meet others from your industry and get to know the tech space in the heart of Music City


Participate, Interact and Ideate with other like minded techies.

Have Fun

Relax and take some time to chill out, recharge and return energized.









Listen to the Event Speakers

James Beswick

Senior Developer Advocate / AWS

Linda Nichols

Cloud Solution Architect / Microsoft

Micah Hodge

Senior Manager / Asurion

Danielle Heberling

Software Engineer / Stackery

Ben Ellerby

Serverless Architect / Theodo UK

Ramesh Adabala

Senior Solutions Architect / AWS

James Luterek

Solutions Architect / Commercetools

Amy Arambulo Negrette

Cloud Software Engineer Lead / Trek10

Brendan Dwyer

Open Source Software Developer / IBM-CODAIT

Karthik Muthuraman

Data Scientist / IBM-CODAIT

Eric Johnson

Senior Developer Advocate / AWS

Leon Stigter

Developer Advocate / VMware

Jeremy Daly

CTO / AlertMe

Jeff Hollan

Principal PM / MS Azure Serverless

Daniel Cottone

Software Engineer / Asurion

Sivalingapandian Velayutham

Director of Engineering / Medhost

Evandro Pires da Silva

Tech Lead Software Engineer / Conta Azul Brasil

Jeremy Gray

Cloud Solution Architect / Microsoft

Nitzan Shapira

Co-founder & CEO / Epsagon

Brandon Evans

AppSec Engineer & Instructor / SANS

Arnold Hahamyan

Master Enterprise Architect / Nissan North America and Global Nissan Digital

James Quick

Developer Advocate / Auth0

Derek Hollis

Software Engineering / Change Healthcare

Josh Carlisle

Microsoft MVP and Engineer / AppDyanmics

Get Experience Shift your thinking to event based.

Challenge your perspective on the fastest growing segment of the Public Cloud Space.
// $25 for the all-day event //
{Breakfast and Lunch are included}

Schedule Details Information of Event Schedules

Serverless Nashville is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression.
More info can be found on the ServerlessDays website

8:00 AM

Registration Opens @ Event Location

Badges, T-Shirts, Breakfast and Conference info.

8:45 - 8:55 AM

Conference Kick-off @ Serverless Nashville

Event Kick-off from the Organizers

9:00 - 9:50 AM

Keynote @ James Beswick

Keynote from James Beswick

10:00 - 10:50 AM Development

DevOps in a Serverless World @ Linda Nichols

Join Linda for a deep dive analysis and demo on how processes change when we’re developing cloud-native or “serverless” applications. Challenge your perspective on questions that come with migrating into a fully-hosted application and using the Function as a Service (FaaS) offerings and moving to a fully-hosted ecosystem; how do we maintain our best practices? Is it possible to keep our typical DevOps processes when most of our environment is abstracted away from us?

11:00 - 11:50 AM Security +

Building a PCI Environment using Serverless @ Micah Hodge

Join Micah for a step-by-step walkthrough of a multi-region AWS serverless application designed for PCI storage. This includes a review of the architecture and lessons learned as well as security and failover strategies.

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Lunch @ Event Location

Lunch and Networking.

1:00 - 1:50 PM Development

Thinking Asynchronously @ Eric Johnson

Join Eric for an extensive talk on thinking asynchronously and dealing with decision points such as evaluating what tasks require the client to wait versus what can be done after the fact. Eric will do a walkthrough of taking an existing translation application that is synchronous and modifying it to use asynchronous patterns using technologies like Amazon DynamoDB Streams and Amazon EventBridge.

2:00 - 2:50 PM Development

Message Patterns that will make or break your app at scale @ Jeff Hollan

Jeff will share some lessons learned and best practices honed by customers running mission-critical serverless apps. Everything from ordered delivery, retries, pub/sub events like CloudEvents, and more. Review the top 4 messaging principles that every cloud-aware dev should know about, and understand how to pick one for a task. While the lessons learned are from major Microsoft customers, the concepts apply to every cloud provider, and discussion will include mapping patterns to service offerings.

3:00 - 3:50 PM Development

How to fail with Serverless @ Jeremy Daly

Join Jeremy to get an indepth understanding of dealing with failures in serverless applications while building resilient, highly-available systems. Jeremy will be dealing with topics such as lambda DLQs, retries, and throttling; event source mapping with Kinesis, SQS and DynamoDB streams; Step Functions, fallback methods etc. with the ability to apply these strategies to other cloud providers as well.

4:00 - 4:20 PM Development

The Game of Serverless @ Sivalingapandian Velayutham

The serverless world comes with 4 inherent drawbacks - State, Latency, Local testing and Loss of control. How to overcome these drawbacks? How to start your serverless journey and be successful? Come and hear from Pandian about the Medhost story and lessons learned to overcome fear and anxiety.

04:30 - 04:50 PM Security +

Enterprise SSO with AWS Lambda @ Derek Hollis

Enter into the world of multi-factor authentication as you maintain the balance between "conventional cloud hosting" coupled with "serverless technologies". Derek will be discussing on integration with an industry recognized solution to create a secure, streamlined sign-on solution while maintaining HIPPA compliance.

5:00 PM

Closing Remarks @ Serverless Nashville

Closing Remarks and Prizes

9:00 - 09:20 AM Development

Choosing a Serverless Monitoring Platform @ Josh Carlisle

Join Josh to deep dive into how you can monitor your Serverless workloads is one of the most crucial decisions you have to make. In this vendor-neutral talk, Josh will walk through the decision-making process and discuss vital considerations, common pitfalls, and tradeoffs so you can make the right decision for your app.

9:30 - 09:50 AM Security +

Solving a Real-World Hybrid Integration Problem @ Jeremy Gray

Join Jeremy in navigating a method to bridge on-premises content and workflows with serverless cloud components. Jeremy will delve into an insurance industry call center example to show the benefit of integrating existing resident systems with Azure Cognitive Services and serverless eventing fabric.

10:00 - 10:20 AM Development

Serverless Framework Plugins: Deep Dive @ Daniel Cottone

Serverless framework is one of if not the most widely used frameworks for creating and deploying serverless applications. It has a rich plugin ecosystem that allows for a high degree of extensibility and customization. This talk will be geared towards understanding what plugins are and how they work, what are some of the most useful plugins available, and how you can create your very own plugin to customize your serverless deployment.

10:30 - 10:50 AM Security +

Cloud Native - Serverless Strategy and Architecture @ Arnold Hahamyan

Join Arnold as he discusses what Nissan Digital is doing regarding cloud native/serverless strategy and architecture. Arnold will walkthrough their guiding principles/themes, where they see serverless functions fit in their ecosystem and going beyond functions/FaaS. Learn about their approach to developing reference architectures and architectural patterns to harness these principles which can be implemented by any organization.

11:00 - 11:20 AM Development

Develop and Deploy Deep Learning Microservices @ Brendan and Karthik

In this session you will learn about the art of deploying deep learning services in production. Dive into the IBM Model Asset eXchange (MAX) and get an overview of how deep learning models (primarily implemented in TensorFlow and PyTorch) are best published as Docker Images on DockerHub, and are best prepared for deployment in local or cloud environments using Kubernetes or Docker.

11:30 - 11:50 AM Development

Managing Your Serverless Servers @ Amy Arambulo Negrette

Come hear Amy share some indepth practices and challenges when handling logic in serverless apps, managing timeout and memory limitations with services like AWS lambda or Google Cloud and leveraging runtime archives for standardizing deployments.

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Lunch @ Event Location

Lunch and Networking.

1:00 - 1:20 PM Security +

Attacking Serverless Servers: Reverse Engineering the AWS, Azure, and GCP Function Runtimes @ Brandon Evans

Join Brandon to get an in-depth understanding of serverless security from an attacker's perspective. In this session, Brandon will demonstrate how a compromised function can be used to gain sensitive credentials and pivot to other services through live demonstrations on AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.

01:30 - 01:50 PM Development

The Serverless Mindset @ Danielle Heberling

Come hear Danielle about how we can attract and retain folks from non-traditional backgrounds in tech. And the mindset changes necessary from a developer workflow standpoint that applies to folks new to software engineering and seasoned software engineers just getting into serverless.

2:00 - 2:20 PM Security +

Don't be SecureLess: @ Ben Ellerby

Come hear Ben share some best practices for keeping your Lambda's secure in areas such as temporary storage, the granularity of Lamba's, IAM policies, observability, API Gateway, and the OWASP Top Ten.

02:30 - 02:50 PM Development

Serverless with Java: it's possible @ Evandro Pires da Silva

Come hear Evandro share how one can build serverless functions with Java, the most used programming language in the world, and sharing concepts about serverless architecture and its relation to Java. Evandro will be doing a code walkthrough while comparing Serverless with different programming languages and best practices leveraging IBM Cloud.

3:00 - 3:20 PM Development

Blueprint for Serverless Microservices @ James Luterek

In this session James will be discussing about the process of building a serverless microservices architecture. This topic with look into areas such as infrastructure, frameworks, CI/CD pipelines with pros/cons of various implementations.

03:30 - 03:50 PM Security +

Continuous Verification In A Serverless World @ Leon Stigter

Join Leon as he shares the adoption of the serverless mindset when dealing with CI/CD and the importance of having integration and delivery pipelines. Leon will look at extending an existing CI/CD pipeline with checks for security, performance, and cost to make a decision on whether we want to deploy our app or not.

04:00 - 04:20 PM Development

The Real Cost of Pay-Per-Use in Serverless @ Nitzan Shapira

Join Nitzan and he deals with the crucial topic of effectively managing costs when using pay-per-use type services. The talk will include a varied number of topics such as cost comparisons with AWS Lambda vs EC2, interpreting the serverless bill, cost distribution and managing it, etc. Nitzan will also do a walkthrough of a personal example of a very high monthly bill for AWS Lambda that they were able to detect before it exploded.

4:30 - 4:50 PM Development

Serverless Functions and Static Sites - A Match Made in Heaven @ James Quick

Learn how to add powerful functionality to your Static Site using Serverless Functions. We will deploy a Static Site using a popular framework called Gatsby to an amazing host called Netlify and add powerful functionality to any Static Site using Serverless Functions.

2:00 - 6:00 PM Workshop

NEW workshop >> Innovator Island: Build a serverless web app for a theme park @ James Beswick

Innovator Island is a popular theme park that’s rolling out a mobile app for thousands of visitors. The app provides wait times, photo opportunities, notification alerts, and language translation for visitors who need it. However, the lead developer has disappeared, and in this workshop, you’re part of a development team that’s assembling the pieces left behind. Learn and practice building a scalable serverless web app with limited development resources.


App Info: The workshop uses architecture leveraging services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Cognito.


This workshop will be jointly hosted by @James Beswick, @Ramesh Adabala and @Eric Johnson

Who helps us Our Sponsors

Reach us Get Direction to the Event Hotel

Renaissance Nashville Hotel

611 Commerce St., Nashville, TN 37203
United States

Programme Overview

Registration: 8:00a

Breakfast: 8:00a

Kickoff and Sessions: 8:45a

Lunch: 12:00p

Closing Remarks: 5:00p

Nashville Public Library

6th or 7th Ave. Entrance